Okami: Zekkeiban (HD Remaster)


Pick up the paint brush and welcome the wolf goddess. Amaterasu is making her debut on the PlayStation3 in Okami HD. The award winning game is upgraded. Every screen is in HD, so mundane scenes become pretty, while spectacular scenes become heart-stoppingly beautiful. The colours are brighter, and the expressions on the characters become richer.

Drawing with a Move controller helps you sink further into the world of brushes and ink. However, gamers are free to use the Dual Shock controllers if they are more accustomed to that. The game also supports the trophy system, so show the world your progress.

Further info
Release Date Nov 01, 2012
Genre Action Adventure
Version Japan
CERO A (Free)

Buy Okami: Zekkeiban (HD Remaster) (PS3) at Play-Asia.com